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Extracurricular Activities

After-school programs and extracurricular activities provide a richer environment to help students learn and grow. At Midway School, students have access to a variety of programs and activities to explore their interests.

Student Involvement

Several types of activities are available to students to expand their horizons. Athletics, choir, theatre, and other after-school programming offer fun ways for students to be active in their school and community. Our students are diverse in more ways than just origin and ethnicity. The talents that they bring to our school span a grand spectrum, including athletics, music, art, drama, dance, reading, writing and mathematics. More info on student involvement from the district's website.


Our students learn in classrooms that are rigorous and challenging, in order to help them reach their fullest potential in the core subjects of reading, writing, mathematics and social studies.

Fine Arts

From our youngest to our oldest students, performance is a must. Our students in grades 4 through 6 are invited to audition for the annual Spring musical. Visual art is a vital aspect of the well rounded education that we provide and gives your child a better knowledge of graphics, design, and visual creativity. Music enhances knowledge of other cultures as well as creative audible expression. Both of these also enhance the curriculum in Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies.

Social Events

There are various events hosted in which our students can participate, including movie nights, pancake breakfasts, Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads and Grandparents' Day. Keep up with the latest events for the kids.
