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Hiawatha Francisco has spent nearly 20 years in educational administration. He received his BA from the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated in 3 1/2  years.  Francisco received his MS In Technical Education from the University of Akron.  Hiawatha started his Ph.D in Education Administration at The Ohio State University.  Although he did not complete the program, he did obtain the ABD (All But Dissertation) status.  

Hiawatha Francisco is a product of Cincinnati Public Schools from Preschool to 8th Grade.  Francisco truly believes that he got his educational foundation from CPS.  He attended Cincinnati Archbishop Moeller High School from 1979-1983. Moeller is an all-boys school, where he had to work all summer to pay for his tuition each year.  Although he did not see any money, he did benefit from the decision when he received a full athletic scholarship to the University of Notre Dame for football.  

Mr. Francisco says, "My mother, who was an educator for Cincinnati Public Schools for 18 years, became a big influence on my decision to go into education.  She was a great inspiration to my family. With her love and determination, we were able to obtain college degrees and continue in our chosen professional fields.  She told me at a young age that she saw great potential in my ability to someday be a leader, both on and off the field.  My Mom believed that I would make a great Administrator someday and I attempt to live up to her expectations everyday." 

Mr. Francisco is grateful for the opportunity to work with great teachers and young people and looks forward to making a difference and helping to make Cincinnati Public Schools a better place to learn and grow.